By Izzie Deibe, Express UK

PUBLISHED: 11:56, Fri, Feb 12, 2021 | UPDATED: 11:57, Fri, Feb 09, 2021


THE CHINESE NEW YEAR starts on Friday, February 12. What is the Chinese New Year animal for 2021?

There are 12 animal signs in the Chinese Zodiac and five elements representing different energy: earth, fire, water, wood and metal that correspond with each sign.

This year is the year of the Metal Ox – the last time it was the year of the Metal Ox was in 1961.

This means that babies born in 1961 and this Chinese New Year 2021 are Metal Oxen.

Last year was the year of the Metal Rat and next year it is the year of the Water-Tiger.

What does this mean?

If you’ve never heard of the five elements, you probably have no idea what the year of the Metal Ox means.

Marites explained: “When a year is a metal it means it is like a magnet, and hence, means connecting people.

“This could be with the use of computers, laptops, tablets, and phones, which are made from parts of metal and could not exist without this element.”

Marites said that a Metal year is a year of networking, and much of this will be done online through virtual meetings and groups on the internet.

She added: “Just as we are now, we will be using the internet for global connection to be with our families, conduct business, and life in general.

“You have seen and will continue to see smaller companies being bought out by bigger companies, or mergers starting to happen.

“In essence, the keyword is ‘partnerships’, networking and togetherness that is taking place this year.”

The Ox part of year’s name suggests that we’re all going to be working on our careers and what we are good at.

Marites said: “Ox, in general, is very hardworking, dependable, talented, and resilient as an animal sign- this is their trait.

“So for the most part, the traits of Ox are things anyone would like to keep in mind for themselves during this year (no matter which sign they are).

“Those born in the year of the Ox are generally known to be traditional and conservative.

“They may be slow to act but are very persistent and hardworking, such that once they have made certain decisions, they will work their way through despite any difficulties. And given their unquestionable will power, they may be expected to always achieve their goals.

“The Metal Ox in particular oozes with confidence and is strong-willed. This Ox is quite frank and may not always care about what others think or feel. But one good thing about this Ox type is that they will always deliver on what they promise to others.

“Although not very social in nature, they keep a circle of loyal friends who are always ready to help during difficult times. The metal element represents firmness, resistance, and clear thoughts. In relation to human nature, this symbolizes inner strength and discipline.”

Marites added: The Ox is also associated with the Yin energy, generally associated with feminine attributes, nurturing of family, and compassionate towards those in need. This trait will be very helpful in times when we have to rebuild emotional and spiritual strength during difficult times.”

Chinese Years aren’t classed as ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’, no matter what your sign is, Marites said.

She explained: “Life is full of emotions and choices.In whatever way you decide to navigate the Year of the Metal Ox, we hope you will be inspired by the winning characteristics of its ruling animal.”

Marites added: “This year in the year of the metal ox, the sign of the sheep could face some challenges because it is their enemy year.

“However, those under the sheep sign can try to mitigate any afflictions or challenges.

“They can do this by wearing charms or talisman to protect them throughout the year that would be good for wealth, love, success etc.”

There’s a bit of an Ox in all of us, Marites said. This year we will all be inspired by the Ox. 

According to Marites, we’ll be: 

  • Focused and Determined, with a clear vision of the things that are really important to you and to achieve them given the resources available to you without doing harm to anyone.
  • Stable and Persistent in executing your plans of action even when things seem impossible to overcome; and whenever difficulties arise, keeping faith that they will be resolved through hard work and at times, with the help of true allies.
  • Compassionate. This mindset is grounded in the principle of seeing beyond our personal needs, but placing the good of others if not on equal terms, even higher than our own. This caring for others could be seen in many forms during the past year, and if maintained even after the pandemic, could be a true agent of change. It is, perhaps, the most critical factor in the restructuring needed for the years ahead.

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