Source: MSN UK (Ref:

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If working from home is becoming a chore, try activating the good energy in your life through Feng Shui.

Many of us haven’t seen our office in almost a year, and as the Covid-19 pandemic rages on it seems the situation won’t be changing anytime soon.

Have you been struggling to focus or feeling like you could be more productive during the day? Celebrity Feng Shui expert Marites Allen (@maritesallen) believes a few simple changes inspired by the universal 8 aspirations theory of Feng Shui could help create a peaceful work environment.

“The year 2020 had been filled with disasters and exhausted our energies, but 2021 can be a time to slowly rebuild oneself in career and health,” Marites told us. “If you don’t do anything at all, then you are not activating the good energy. That’s a shame because you’re throwing away one-third of the luck that you have. There’s nothing to lose but everything to gain. So why not give it a go?”

Think about where your office is situated in your house, whether that’s a room dedicated to work or just a space on your dining room table. The north side of a home is linked to your career and the element of water, and Marites says working in this area will promote harmony and help you feel calmer if you’re becoming stressed over work.

If your career involves making videos or creating content for others, such as fitness sessions or bloggers, work out of a room on the south side of your house. Creative professionals such as writers and musicians will also work best in this direction.

“You can use these basics for your interiors,” Marites explains. “If a person works with some of these tips and keeps them in mind, it’s going to be beautiful for them. There’s so much you can do… You can be creative and make do with simple things.”

Finally, for anyone balancing work and childcare, especially during lockdown, it’s also important to consider where your kids are playing. The west side of your house is the best location for ‘descendants luck’ i.e. children, so keep the littles one there for a happy work-life balance!

“To keep your mental health levels up while you have to work within the home with children, it is best to keep children in rooms on the west side of the house to create better harmony while working with the little ones there,” Marites advises.

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