Know what the alignment of stars holds in store for you in September, the month of Rooster and conflict month for Rabbit.

This month, the auspicious energies have flown to the Southeast, Southwest, West, Northeast, and Northwest; while the unlucky sectors are South, East, Center, and North. Check out your house-facing direction or front door locations to know your luck prospects for this month. Know the directions that affect your animal sign as well.

Boost the auspicious sectors with the suggested enhancers and place cures in the inauspicious areas to counter the indicated afflictions.

SOUTHEAST (sector of Dragon and Snake)

This sector especially favors the Dragon and Snake and all those with main doors facing Southeast with positive prospects from the Heavenly Star no. 6. This indicates plenty of opportunities to increase income and see improvements in career. This is an ideal time to make some serious investments.

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SOUTH  (sector of Horse)

The monthly Illness Star no. 2 has flown to this sector. Counter this type of energy by avoiding stressful situations and by getting sufficient sleep, healthy diet, and exercise. The Horse-born and all residents of the South are especially warned and advised to always carry their anti-illness amulets this month.

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SOUTHWEST (sector of Sheep and Monkey)

The South is an auspicious sector to spend time in this month, with the presence of Romance and Study Star no. 4. This brings inspiration and creativity to those in school, writers, and artists. The Sheep and Monkey and those who spend a lot of time in this sector should have the necessary enhancers to benefit from this type of luck this month.

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 EAST (sector of Rabbit)

This sector hosts the monthly Misfortune Star no. 5. Wherever this energy has flown is a reason to be very careful about many negative possibilities, such as strained relationships, financial loss, health issues, and injuries. Keep this sector quiet and install feng shui cures to control the inauspicious energy. The Rabbit-born and other residents of this sector should take the warning to heart.

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Whatever energy flies to this sector affects all the members of the household. Thus, everyone is warned about the negative influences here this month. The monthly Violence Star could cause serious arguments in the family or the workplace. Aside from stressed relationships, be wary of possible injuries arising from sharp metal objects. Some dips in financial situations are also possible.

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 WEST (sector of Rooster)

The monthly Magnifying Star no. 9 could potentially strengthen the auspiciousness of the annual Wealth Star. That’s a lot of good prospects for residents of the West sector, but especially so for the Rooster. When this lucky star combination happens, it calls for increased efforts to amplify its effects with the proper feng shui wealth enhancers.

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NORTHEAST  (sector of Ox and Tiger)

Northwest sector residents, especially the Ox and Tiger signs, should be aware of the very lucky combination of two prosperity indicators – both immediate and long-term – this month. The monthly Victory and Success Star no. 1 joins the annual Magnifying Star No. 9 for a sum-of-ten combination that could bring not only financial gains, but also career and academic success plus enhanced reputation.

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NORTH  (sector of Rat)

The monthly Conflict Star no. 3 indicates misunderstanding and possible disputes with family members. In the workplace, it could mean politicking and backstabbing. Stay calm and be mindful of your words that might hurt the feelings of others. Be warned that the annual Illness Star in this sector could add to the possible worries of residents of the North, especially all Rat-born. Check if your main door or sleeping quarters is in this area and use necessary cures, to help control the negative vibes.

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NORTHWEST (sector of the Dog and Boar)

Residents of this sector, especially those born under the Dog and Boar signs, will have plenty to celebrate as the monthly Prosperity Star no. 8 flies to this sector. This is the time to implement business initiatives or getting your skills and potentials noted in the workplace. Expect good counsel to come from someone influential to boost your career.

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For your suggested feng shui charms and cures, shop at or You may also call/Viber us at 0920 9509390 for inquiries.

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