Don’t look now, but it’s Au-ghost once again—that time of year when the Gates of Hell are thrown wide open and ghosts come out and roam the earth.
Whereas we, the living, visit the dead on All Saints’ Day, the dead visit the living in Au-Ghost. We’re not talking about ghost employees, ghost writers, or even ghosts of old loves, but of spirits who committed crimes or died accidentally or suddenly and have unfinished business in this life.
“The Hungry Ghost Month usually falls on the seventh month of the lunar calendar, with no fixed dates,” Philippine feng shui queen Marites Allen tells PhilSTAR L!fe. “This year, it starts on Aug. 16 and ends on Sept. 14. Outside of the changing dates, the characteristics and customs of Ghost Month typically remain consistent from year to year, rooted in Chinese traditional beliefs and practices. The rituals and activities are much easier to practice now, compared to the last two years when the COVID risk was high.”
Who ghost there?
Do you suddenly feel chills running up and down your spine amid the eerie silence? Or hear muffled voices from behind a wall? Or suddenly sense somebody else’s presence when you’re home alone? Do not panic! It could be just your surreal imagination due to an overdose of Stephen King fantasy novels or John Carpenter horror movies. But then again, it could really be a ghost tugging at your bedsheet and rousing you from sleep in the middle of the night.
“Being afraid of the Hungry Ghost Month depends largely on cultural and personal beliefs,” Marites explains. “Due to these beliefs, some people may be cautious and follow certain customs to avoid attracting the attention of wandering spirits who may cause them harm. But whether these beliefs are based on facts or not, it won’t harm to follow the suggested cures, which are not difficult to do at all. As they say, better safe than sorry.”
Not just a play on words, Au-ghost is popularly known as the Hungry Ghost Month because these hungry spirits are believed to be restless and in need of appeasement.
How do we appease the ghosts during the Hungry Ghost Month?
“The common rituals include making prayer and food offerings, because these ghosts could really be hungry, as well as burning incense,” Marites shares. “Round fruits in odd numbers and incense sticks in even numbers are suggested. Reciting the popular mantra ‘Namah sarva tathagatha avalokite omsambhara sambhara hung’ is believed to magnify the effect of the incense being offered.”
Marites adds, “Performing charitable acts also helps appease these wayward spirits during this time and earns positive karma for those who do it.”
What if they can’t be appeased?
“Unfortunately, some major disasters in our country happened during the Hungry Ghost Month,” Marites points out. “These include the Plaza Miranda bombing in 1971, the assassination of Ninoy Aquino in 1983 and the death of President Cory Aquino in 2009, the Rizal Park hostage-taking in 2010, and some water-related accidents. Some would say these were mere coincidences. But if we were to believe, some spirits or energies could be so strong and cause harm despite the best intentions and careful preparations. Again, it is always better to err on the side of caution and heed the suggestions to minimize the chances of attracting negative attention or misfortune. Perhaps seek help from spiritual practitioners for guidance and assistance in dealing with certain situations.”
If we’re aware of their presence, should we talk to them and find out what they want?
Marites suggests, “When faced with an eerie presence, it’s best to stay calm. If you feel you’re in danger, just chant the ‘hum, hum, hum, hum, hum’ mantra. And do not refer to them as ghosts—instead, address them as your friend and protector. Ask them not to harm you and ask for their help in overcoming difficulties.”
What if they don’t want to go back to where they came from and leave us?
Marites notes, “This is the reason why we have the so-called haunted houses or places and a lot of spine-chilling ghost stories, particularly involving those who passed on suddenly or accidentally without a proper send-off or prayers/masses offered for them. In such cases, their presence is heightened during the Ghost Month. But for as long as they don’t cause trouble, then perhaps we shouldn’t be too bothered. Again, making peace offerings in the form of prayers, food, or incense will always be good.”
What are the things we should not do to avoid bad luck during Ghost Month?
“There are many things that are not advised and one of them is getting married,” Marites stresses. “It is believed that weddings set during this period may not end well. In other countries though, where it’s summer around this time, couples don’t heed such a precaution and just go ahead with their wedding plans.”
She elaborates, “Likewise, any major or life-changing decisions, such as starting a business, undergoing a medical procedure, or moving into a new home are not advised and best scheduled before or after Ghost Month.”
Moving into your new dream home and hosting a housewarming party are a no-no during Ghost Month as you might invite unwanted spirits into your new residence. Talk about resident ghosts! But if it can’t be helped, Marites recommends having the “necessary feng shui cures in place.”
What should we avoid to prevent accidents caused by ghosts during Ghost Month?
Marites gives this not-to-do list: “Hungry ghosts are deemed more powerful at night so avoid late-night strolls, forest trekking, renovation, or construction work because it creates loud noises that disturb the spirits. Avoid swimming and other water-related activities as it is believed that spirits dwell in the sea and other forms of water. Especially those who drowned in their past lives can easily cause the same fate to the living.”
With these do’s and don’ts, we can all welcome the Hungry Ghost Month in high spirits!
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Every year, feng shui experts come up with do’s and don’ts designed to guide everyone during the Hungry Ghost Month. Each animal sign (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Snake, Dog, Boar) has its own amulet to keep with them during this month. Check out this list of Ghost Month must-haves in 2023 at,, and Inquire at 0920-950-9390 or email Visit Follow Marites Allen on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Tiktok.
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