Jana Dizon, a devoted follower of renowned feng shui consultant Marites Allen, has consistently shared inspiring stories about how luck has always been by her side the moment she started seeking advice from Marites. She treasures her collection of  shawls, jewelry, and fashion accessories from Frigga, which have brought her love, joy and auspiciousness in her family and career through the years.

Jana’s set of feng shui luck enhancers for 2022.

She recently shared an inspiring story about the transformative power of feng shui in her son’s academic journey. With her youngest son having recently graduated from the university and considering pursuing masteral studies in the UK prior to working in the US, Jana witnessed a remarkable shift in his attitude towards learning, thanks to the application of feng shui principles.

Jana vividly remembers her son’s early struggles with academics during his primary school years. Determined to support him, she enrolled him in special classes at Kumon, a renowned educational institution. However, it was through the guidance of feng shui consultant Marites Allen that Jana discovered additional avenues to enhance her son’s study luck.

Upon consulting with Marites Allen, Jana was advised to incorporate specific feng shui enhancers into her son’s environment. One of these enhancers was an image of Confucius, symbolizing wisdom and enlightenment. Additionally, a crystal point was suggested to further amplify positive energy. Before handing over these charms, Marites offered a special mantra prayer, infusing them with spiritual energy.

The Confucius image and crystal point are popular academic luck enhancers.

The effects of feng shui quickly became apparent as Jana’s son’s academic performance steadily improved over time. This positive shift was complemented by his growing interest in sports, which provided a well-rounded balance to his life. As part of his internship, he even took on the role of coaching a basketball team in Cardiff, Wales, showcasing his newfound passion and leadership skills.

Jana’s testimonial serves as yet another example of the wide-ranging benefits of feng shui. While feng shui is commonly associated with attracting abundance, fostering harmonious relationships, and promoting good health, this case demonstrates its profound impact on academic success.

Jana (center) with her sisters, all wearing Frigga shawls.

By harnessing the power of feng shui, individuals can create an environment conducive to learning and unlock their full academic potential.

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