In the Year of the Water Tiger, an animal symbol known for its energy, independence, and determination to achieve goals, we are all advised to remain “calm, balanced, and do things in moderation.”
This, according to Feng Shui expert Marites Allen, who in her 2022 prognosis also says that the year “requires everyone to be more dynamic, zestful, passionate and positive, as surviving the pandemic is an achievement and has truly made everyone stronger.”
Allen, who is the first Filipina to be awarded the title of “Master in Feng Shui” by the International Feng Shui Association, says that the year is also associated with tensions, struggles, and rebellion. “Society and governments are therefore cautioned to avoid scandals or shortfalls in service, as this year could be very hectic and filled with unforeseen changes and unexpected developments,” she says in her prognosis.
Expected to do well, according to Allen, are those under the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, and Dog signs as they will be helped along by the year’s energy. The Monkey will also have this same lift, but, as it is its “contra” year, it will go through difficulties at the same time. Meanwhile, the Rat, Ox, Snake, Rabbit, Sheep, Rooster, and Boar’s approach to 2022 should be tempered with a bit of conservatism.
This Tiger year has Sky Horse Star, Allen points out, which means that travel will be permitted as many would be likely to venture to new places as COVID restrictions ease up. She cautions, however, that given this, sea and land disasters are also likely.
“It will be better than in the past two years,” Allen says in zoom interview on travel opportunities. This goes even for the challenged Monkey, who she advises to keep moving as it would be better for it to make the change. However, if you are an elderly person under Monkey or Sheep, she would “advise you to be safe and stay at home. Otherwise, you will be pushing your luck. Stay put muna and take it easy,” she recommends.
According to Allen’s Flying Star Chart, destinations to the east and west are less favorable, but all other directions are good. Her almanac, which can be downloaded on Apple or Google Play for free, also specifies dates and hours that are more auspicious for travel.
There are also rituals that travelers can do to ensure safety before they go on their trip. These rituals are dependent on your destination relative to where you came from.
For example, for those flying Southwest (Malaysia, Singapore) from the Philippines, you are advised to swipe the air three times with a bamboo stick tied with a red thread to protect you from serious injuries. Those moving Northwest (China, Mongolia) from Manila are to light a red candle or burn incense and point them in that same direction.
Meanwhile, those going to Japan or anywhere Northeast can either do the same ritual as Southwest or hang a mystic knot tied with auspicious coins to your main door before leaving.
According to Allen, there is a lot of money to be made this year—but not for everyone. It will be tough year for financial growth for the less privileged. She says that 2022 may be another year of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. “This can also be a time where the fall of the rich could happen instantly,” she warns in her prognosis.
“This is what I can say about this year—it is really up to the person. The character of the Tiger is very independent. It’s very aggressive. It waits for no one. So this is the time that you have to do it on your own. Do not wait for anyone,” she advises.
Industries and businesses that are connected to the water are expected to do well, from shipping, aquaculture, storage, and water refilling. These can “explore new markets and have the potential to enjoy sustainable and profitable activities,” Allen explains. “Investments related to ports, rivers and maritime businesses should be good. Businesses developing innovative solutions and technologies should also be profitable.”
That said, she advises to marry your passion and character with new technology to create a sustainable business—but, of course, you have to do the work.
“Not because this is the hype now, you’ll enter it with your eyes closed. No. You have to do your feasibility. You have to have your heart into it,” Allen elaborates. “There’s a lot of responsibilities that come with it. You have to be ready for it. It’s not like you’re doing it and ‘ay ginawa niya, naging successful.’ It’s a long, long process.”
She also sees major shifts when it comes to banking and digital money. Nations might follow El Salvador’s lead and treat crypto currency as legal tender. It will definitely be a reserve currency of the future, alongside the US Dollar, silver, and gold, according to the Feng Shuit expert.
“We have to move with the changes of time. And there’s no turning back. We are going to that direction,” says Allen, who founded and runs Frigga Charmed Life.
As for making big buys this year, Allen says it’s a buyer’s market and you should make that purchase when the deal is right.
“If you are an investor, this is your Black Friday. There are a lot of good deals in the market. So buy,” she says. “But if you are the seller, obviously, you will be at a loss. You have to drop down your price. Buy for as long as you get a very good deal.”
The Presidential elections this May makes this a pivotal year for the future of a country that Allen says is honestly difficult to read. There are so many factors at play here, from dynasties to political machineries to our own high use of social media.
What will be the difference? She points to younger voices that are clamoring to be heard. “The youth is very strong. The youth will be heard more. Whatever the youth will say will have a very, very big take on this election,” Allen says.
In her prognosis, she says reiterates the same main point. “The younger generation should however be stronger than ever, they can make or break society, whether through political or lifestyle causes. Their voices are highly relevant and powerful this year, and political and business leaders must listen.”
She still believes that the Presidency is a matter of destiny. “When it’s not for you, it’s not for you. And the stars could actually see that as well,” Allen says. On the other hand, those who are initially reluctant might find the seat of power thrust upon them not on their own volition as with the case of former President Noynoy Aquino.
But this year is not about passiveness as it will match the energy of the Water Tiger, who are described as avid learners who are open to new concepts and methods. “They don’t just sit around and wait for bounty to fall on their laps; they go out there and make things happen,” Allen explains.
And that requires effort, determination, and a willingness to do something about your life. As Allen simply says, “this is the time for everyone to give their best, improvise their lifestyle, and be one hundred percent positive.”
For consultations with Marites Allen, inquire at MaritesAllen.com, email at hello@maritesallen.com, or message 0920-950-9390. You can shop for luck charms at her store, Frigga.com.ph.