

September is the month of Rooster and conflict month for Rabbit. This month, the auspicious energies are located in the South, Southwest, Center, West, and North. The unlucky sectors are Southeast, East, Northeast, and Northwest. Check out your house-facing direction or front door locations to know your luck prospects for this month. Know the directions that affect your animal sign as well.

Boost the auspicious sectors with the suggested enhancers and place cures in the inauspicious areas to counter the indicated afflictions.

SOUTHEAST (sector of Dragon and Snake): CONFLICT STAR

The monthly star in the Southeast can cause conflict. If you have a main door or an important room here, remember that this inauspicious energy denotes possible arguments, disagreement, back stabbing and loss of wealth. In some cases, this can result in lawsuits, where you can either be a petitioner or a defendant. Avoid any form of noisy renovations in this part of your house or office this month. Tone down lights and do not place lighted candles here that will further activate the conflict influence.

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SOUTH  (sector of Horse): WEALTH STAR

The South is a fantastic area in September that can help generate wealth opportunities and protect existing finances when activated. Combined with the annual Magnifying Star, the positive influences get multiplied several times over. Activate this area with wealth enhancers and remember to do your important financial activities here, including signing business or investment contracts. 

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SOUTHWEST  (sector of Sheep and Monkey): FUTURE PROSPERITY STAR

The visiting Victory Star in the Southwest this month promises strong wealth, gains in financial investments, academic achievements, and success in many types of endeavors. Enhance this sector with metal elements, which will also help manage the annual Illness Star located here. Water-element colors such as blue or black will help boost financial gains.

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EAST (sector of Rabbit): ILLNESS STAR

This very inauspicious energy should ideally be managed with effective cures and the area where it is located this month should be avoided, otherwise it can cause many problems affecting one’s health. Metal cures, particularly the wu lou and other health and longevity symbols are suggested here to balance the energies and avoid illness issues. Try to keep this area as quiet as possible and avoid loud a activities including renovations.

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The location of the auspicious Romance and Education Luck Star in the center brings good news for every  household member. Couples can expect good relationships; students  and those in research who take time to boost their academic luck will benefit from this energy. Keep this sector active to enhance creativity, romance, and academic achievements. Use different shades of green to simulate growth.

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WEST  (sector of Rooster): HEAVEN LUCK

Heaven Luck Star governs wealth, leadership, success and ambition and is very auspicious for politicians, leaders and anyone involved in speculative business. However, while the number 6 White Star represents accomplishment, some effects of the annual Robbery Star in the West could pose some risks of loss, so be mindful of added measures that should be taken to avoid chances for success be marred by unwanted surprises.

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NORTHEAST (sector of Ox and Tiger): ROBBERY STAR

The #7 Robbery and Loss star is a negative influence in the Northeast. If not properly managed, it can cause high risks of burglary, deception, tarnished reputation, gossip and backstabbing this month. If you have your main door or a window in this area, you should doublecheck for security and electrical wirings. Do not display valuable items that can be seen from the outside, which may tempt potential robbers. Be careful of people who might try to deceive you and always study small details of what you sign; this star normally causes problems even with people you thought you could trust.

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This star of future wealth located in the north sector indicates career opportunities and promotions. Boost the natural energy of the visiting monthly star with fire element colors and enhancers to help with financial concerns and ensure smooth money flow. This is a good area for studying and other activities that could bring in long-term benefits. The presence of the annual Victory Star makes for the auspicious sum-of-ten combination for a very auspicious period for North residents especially the Rat-born.

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NORTHWEST  (sector of the Dog and Boar): MISFORTUNE STAR

Be aware of the many negative possibilities brought by the No. 5 Yellow Star of Misfortune located in the Northwest that could affect NW residents, particularly the Dog and the Boar this month. This afflicted energy brings tragedy, sickness, lawsuits and major wealth loss. Observe strict caution by keeping this sector quiet and protected by powerful cures.  If you have your bedroom here but cannot move to a different house area, make sure you always have your anti-misfortune cures with you.

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For your suggested feng shui charms and cures, shop at or You may also call/Viber us at 0920 9509390 for inquiries.

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