
Find out why this Frigga Charmed Life Follower is Three Times Blessed

Her name literally means “Genuine Grace,” which in itself is a huge blessing; but in addition to this heavenly gift, Gracia E. Genuino, also discovered feng shui and Frigga Charmed Life in 2019, and it has made a huge difference in her life, by way of answered wishes and dreams.

Five years ago, Gracia (Grace to friends), had the barest idea of what feng shui was all about. But as a real estate broker, she had always wondered why some of her clients would consult feng shui professionals and follow their advice before making investment decisions based on certain orientations of properties. That curiosity brought her to a Frigga shop in Makati where the sales staff patiently answered her questions about the possible benefits of using feng shui enhancers, especially the Pi Yao, and the proper use of a singing bowl to cleanse spaces and attract positive energies.

There had been several visits since then, and until now she particularly treasures a 100 Birds affirmation scarf, which she had framed and displayed in the Southeast area near the entrance of her home. Little did she know that it was the direction of wealth, and like magic, opportunities started to pour in. She was able to close several condominium sales that year and had several chances to travel not just in the Philippines but also abroad. For the longest time she has put travel on hold owing to other priorities. She was then focusing on her studies to be a nurse, raising her beautiful daughter, and work matters all at the same time.

These Hundred Birds affirmation scarves are framed and displayed in the SE area of her home.

Grace has a lot of stories of how the various luck enhancers she got from Frigga always delivered their intended benefits. Her initial acquisition of the Pi Yao was followed by many more luck-enhancing items, which now adorn her home, and accessories that have become indispensable in her daily routine.  She has been sharing her inspiring experiences with Marites Allen, who has since become her go-to feng shui consultant.

In a recent testimonial sent to Marites, Grace wrote:

“During one of my visits to your shop, I was able to get the last piece of a bejeweled abacus. I would shake this luck enhancer around my workplace and even when I go out to shop, dine, or for some self-pampering. Some staff in those establishments I visited sent me messages about increased walk-ins and improved sales. But I have another success story. You know, one of my wishes is to go on a combined family vacation and business trip. I started saving for this some months back. While watching one of your FB live events, your staff informed me of a special set of enhancers that matched that wish. So, I treated myself to those Frigga charms. The next day after I got them, I was able to pay for all expenses, including plane fare and hotel accommodation, for my planned vacation to Boracay. A true windfall in time for my upcoming birthday, thanks to Frigga Charmed Life!”

Bejewelled Abacus
Wealth Enhancers
Travel Luck Charm

Going through her inspiring life story is much like affirming the truth behind the basic principle of life and luck. Feng Shui master Marites Allen has always used that principle – the Trinity of Luck – to explain the moving force behind achieving auspiciousness in life.

Heaven Luck, which constitutes 1/3 of our luck, is believed to be individualized fate or celestial mandate and is predetermined. Human Luck, represents another 1/3 and is created through our actions and choices. Earth Luck, the remaining 1/3 to complete the Trinity is where feng shui comes in. By managing our energy flow and physical surroundings through feng shui principles, we can enhance different aspects of our life to achieve prosperity and abundance.

In the case of Grace Genuino, being blessed with a charmed name, a winning personality, and positive outlook represent her Heaven Luck. Her Human Luck is evident in her firm determination to achieve her life’s goals through hard work, perseverance, and innate curiosity. This mindset has led her to discovering Earth Luck. Since she started to believe in feng shui and apply its principles to her pursuit of good fortune, she is now more than convinced that feng shui really works.



Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Know Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Today I want to share with you the top 10 reasons why you should know your Chinese Zodiac Sign. Lets dive in!

  1. Gain insight into your personality: Your Chinese zodiac sign can provide you with valuable insights into your personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses.
  2. Enhance your relationships: Understanding your Chinese zodiac sign and the signs of those around you can help you build stronger, more fulfilling relationships.
  3. Discover your ideal career: Your Chinese zodiac sign can reveal your natural talents and strengths, helping you discover your ideal career path.
  4. Navigate important life decisions: Knowing your Chinese zodiac sign can provide you with guidance and insight when making significant life decisions, such as starting a business or choosing a life partner.
  5. Improve your health: Your Chinese zodiac sign can also offer insight into potential health issues or areas of the body to focus on for preventative care.
  6. Connect with your culture: Exploring Chinese astrology and the zodiac signs can provide an opportunity to connect with and appreciate Chinese culture and history.
  7. Plan for the future: Understanding your Chinese zodiac sign can help you plan for important milestones, such as marriage or having children, and make informed decisions about your future.
  8. Embrace your strengths: Your Chinese zodiac sign can help you recognize and embrace your unique strengths and talents, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
  9. Strengthen your intuition: Chinese astrology and the zodiac signs are rooted in the belief that we are all connected to the natural world. Learning more about your sign can help you strengthen your intuition and connect with the universe.
  10. Have fun!: Finally, exploring Chinese astrology and the zodiac signs can be a fun and engaging way to learn more about yourself and the people around you.

Explore and check out your astrology sign on this link :

In conclusion, understanding your Chinese zodiac sign can offer a wealth of benefits, from gaining insight into your personality and relationships to enhancing your career and health. So why not take the time to explore this fascinating topic and discover what your sign has to offer? Thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to check out your respective lucky charms at our website or and click under “Shop your sign”.

In conclusion, understanding your Chinese zodiac sign can offer a wealth of benefits, from gaining insight into your personality and relationships to enhancing your career and health. So why not take the time to explore this fascinating topic and discover what your sign has to offer? Thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to check out your respective lucky charms at our website or and click under “Shop your sign”.


Year of the Rabbit 2023: Chinese astrologer shares horoscope for each animal sign

By Rebecca Miller, Express UK, Jan. 18, 2023


Chinese New Year officially begins on January 22 and here’s what each zodiac sign can expect in the Year of the Rabbit.

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit and the next 13 months are said to be a lucky year for most zodiac signs. spoke to Marites Allen, a celebrity Feng Shui and astrology expert about the Chinese New Year and what each zodiac sign can expect.



Born in: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Marites said: “You could be among the winners in the year of the Water Rabbit. Being blessed with the so-called Future Prosperity star, this could provide you with the auspicious blessings and good fortune, which can be multiplied up to nine times!

“As they say ‘Blessed are you who sow every seed you plant, will grow into bountiful crops for great harvest!’”


Born in: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The expert revealed: “Your luck in money and career continues this year. Professionally, you are always trustworthy and can be relied on.

“This year, threats of robbery, losses or possible injuries will be bothering the Ox-born people. Nonetheless, with your innate confidence, strength, and stability, you will always prosper even during difficult times.

“Just avoid being stubborn, resentful and temperamental, all of which will result in your downfall and destruction.”


Born in: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Marites revealed: “Tigers may continue the harvest of good fortune; however, threats of being robbed, possible losses or injuries loom in your chart.

“If you have earned good karma through your past actions, the universe will help you manifest some profitable gains this year. Prevent any of these negative influences with the anti-robbery plague in the Northeast or bring with you the anti-robbery talisman.”


Born in: 1938, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

“This is your year and there is a lot to gain especially that Rabbit-born people are believed to be the harbinger of calmness, peace and tranquillity,” she explained. “Rabbits are advised to be extra careful not to drive away blessings in the form of money or promotion at work.

“The only challenge that Rabbits will be facing this year is the threat to their health and longevity, as they will feel easily drained, and uninspired.”


Born in: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

“Brace yourself for possible negativities brought by hostile energies that indicate heartaches and misunderstandings,” the astrologer said.

“It needs a lot of your patience, tolerance, and restraint to avoid being carried away by the usual heartaches that will present themselves to you. Be strong and take the high road. Avoid at all costs any disagreements and opt for peace and harmonious environment.”


Born in: 1928, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Marites said: “The presence of the hostility star in 2023 will rock the peaceful life of Snake-born people.

“Usually, the Snakes just glide through life and somehow manage to get through the challenges that come their way.

“This time, there are indications of heartaches, misunderstandings, lawsuits, and plenty of quarrelling. Wear some fire element energies, such as red, pink, or purple or other peaceful charms may include the friendship medallion or peace and harmony symbols.”


Born in: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

“Wealth luck and good fortune will roll in easily towards Horse-born people this 2023!”

She added: “This is not the time to take it easy but rather push yourself to the limit and keep on working smart to achieve unlimited funds, profitable partnerships or promotions.

“All these will truly bring you extra income. Your investments could also grow and multiply. If you do not need the funds now, no need to sell; rather it would be best to invest even more in assets such as land, gold, silver, or anything that is within your budget. Try to engage in some side hustle for additional income.”


Born in: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

“Sheep-born people are quite blessed this 2023!” Marites remarked. “Not only because they are the allies and closest to the year’s ruling animal, the Rabbit, but also because their auspicious Victory star provides them with new beginnings and superior blessings.

“This time around, you may receive requests for collaborations in business, partnerships both in new technology, training certifications, coaching services, and the like.

“You could gain new heights and experience many new things that are not familiar to you. This is also a good time to venture into unfamiliar territory for expansion.”


Born in: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The expert said: “Finally, after what seemed to be a never-ending struggle for the Monkey-born people last year, the Year of the Rabbit 2023, will be quite a period of relief.

“Monkeys will be blessed with the very auspicious Victory star. This will surely provide you with a more favourable year.

“However, you will still have to manage the threat of three killings starting this year. This is such a bad star that could bring some issues about your name being compromised, loss of money, and some health scare.

“Monkey-born are advised to bring the mandala shawl designed with special affirmations and symbol protections.”


Born in: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

“Roosters could experience both highs and lows despite of this being your conflict year,” Marites commented. “So take it easy, lie low and best to take a shift, make some necessary changes, or if you can afford it, try to move to a different home, or location or keep travelling.

“This is usually the best thing to do when it’s your conflict year. You must always bring with you the Tai sui coin or annual protection medallion as your special talisman and display the Tai sui plague in the West sector of your home or office.

“This can still be a very busy year for you with possible cash blessings, which will arrive in the form of a windfall.”


Born in: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

“Although your animal sign is the secret friend of the Rabbit, it is a must for Dog-born people to provide extra attention on caring for themselves in 2023,” the astrologer revealed. “This is due to the threat of the misfortune star present in your chart at this time. This can seriously bring havoc to your life.

“There is also the risk of illness, which may affect your income opportunities and working schedules. Always bring your five element pagoda charm or ultimate mantra amulets.

“For extra protection, carry some amulets for health longevity. The Anti-illness Charms will also help neutralise these afflictions.”


Born in: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

“Boars are friends with the Rabbit, and that’s good news, indeed,” Marites said. “Therefore despite some hurdles, you may expect some help from the energies of the year. Install the images of your allies and friends in the Northwest sector of your home or office with the images of Rabbit, Sheep or Boar.

“Boar people should look after their health as problems with the stomach, itchiness of the skin, or similar infections may pose some risks. This will be irritating and annoying, and if not addressed early, could let you end up in hospital.

“Wearing metal element colours and accessories such as white, gold and silver will prove beneficial.”

Marites Allen will be launching her new book Chinese Astrology: Decode The Zodiac to Live Your Best Life on January 19 with Greenfinch Publishing. Available at Waterstones for £20.

dec chart


DEC. 7, 2022 – JAN. 4, 2023

December is the month of Rat and conflict month for Horse. This month, the auspicious energies are located in the Southeast, East, Center, Northeast, and North. The unlucky sectors are South, Southwest, West, and Northwest. Check out your house-facing direction or front door locations to know your luck prospects for this month. Know the directions that affect your animal sign as well.

Boost the auspicious sectors with the suggested enhancers and place cures in the inauspicious areas to counter the indicated afflictions.

SOUTHEAST (sector of Dragon and Snake): MAGNIFYING STAR

The annual love and study energies in the Southeast are boosted by the monthly No 9 Star, making it very lucky especially for Dragons and Snakes. Students or creative professionals should use this area as their study place to gain support and inspiration from this auspicious energy.

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SOUTH  (sector of Horse): MISFORTUNE STAR

The luck in the South sector turns inauspicious this month due to the No 5 Misfortune Star, which brings potentially serious problems and general bad luck. Horse-born people and those with bedrooms or office here will be particularly affected. Remember that the misfortune star is further strengthened by the annual magnifying star, so avoid staying in this sector for now or carry protective amulets to manage the afflicted energy.

Please click here for product suggestions

SOUTHWEST  (sector of Sheep and Monkey): ROBBERY & VIOLENCE STAR

The monthly No 7 Star brings possible loss through robbery and break-ins. Aside from material and financial losses, there could also be loss of good reputation and betrayal, as well as physical harm for those with Southwest-facing homes, particularly the Sheep and Monkey. Place your anti-robbery cures here or wear your rhino and elephant amulets with you.

Please click here for product suggestions.

EAST (sector of Rabbit): WEALTH STAR

Wealth and prosperity luck has flown to the East, bringing good fortune to those with main doors facing this direction. Those born in the year of the Rabbit will also benefit from this wonderful energy boost. For those in business, display your wealth enhancers here to manifest some investment luck.

Please click here for product suggestions.


The Center sector is the ideal place for everyone in the household to enjoy good fortune in many areas, especially financial gains, career achievements and completion luck. Use your victory-inspired charms and fashion accessories to benefit from this positive energy.  Whether you’re in business or a career person, you may see good results for your efforts by spending happy occasions here with family and friends.

Please click here for product suggestions

WEST  (sector of Rooster): CONFLICT STAR

Be aware of possible disagreements and arguments if you have your main door in the West or if you have your bedroom in this sector. Stay away from any form of misunderstanding that could potentially lead to legal problems. Rooster-born people may be especially vulnerable to this negative energy.

Please click here for product suggestions.

NORTHEAST (sector of Ox and Tiger): ROMANCE STAR

A room in the Northeast is the place to be to enjoy romance luck this month. For singles (especially Ox and Tiger) looking for love, activate this sector with love enhancers to up your chances of finding your ideal partner. Married couples also stand to benefit from the loving energies here this month.

Please click here for product suggestions.


The Heaven Luck Star flies into the North this month, bringing possible unexpected good luck and helpful people to bring you nearer to your goals. North sector residents, particularly those born in the Rat sign may be in for some windfall, which is the type of luck behind speculative or lottery luck.

Please click here for product suggestions.

NORTHWEST  (sector of the Dog and Boar): ILLNESS STAR

Stay out of trouble by avoiding the Northwest this month. The Illness Star is located here, bringing possible health problems especially to the Dog and Boar. Manage the afflicted energy here by placing wu lou-inspired symbols or wearing them as accessories for the entire month. Avoid lighting candles or having bright lights here that could further strengthen the negative influence.

Please click here for product suggestions.

For your suggested feng shui charms and cures, shop at or You may also call/Viber us at 0920 9509390 for inquiries.

manila standard

Feng Shui Queen declares 2023 as the Year of Letting Go

By Kate Adajar, Manila Standard, December 1, 2022


Clad in her bright pink dress, international feng shui master Marites Allen hosted an intimate media gathering at the Manila House Private Club last Monday. The Feng Shui Queen, as she is popularly known, let us into updates on her practice. 

While she announced the exciting things to look forward to, I couldn’t help but stare at the golden bunnies printed on her customized shawl. It was part of the theme. Her annual Feng Shui Updates event to usher in the new Chinese New Year is titled “Hop, Skip, and Jump in the Year of the Water Rabbit 2023.”

“The year 2023 is the year of letting go,” Marites boldly declared. She laughed as soon as she was distracted by the giggly responses from the crowd who made references to love. The expert further explained that it is just time to let go of things that no longer serve us and people who do not bring peace into our lives. She was quick, however, to clarify that the center sector of 2023 has romance at its core.

“This is the year that a lot of people who may have separated may reconcile. For some who may be delaying their weddings because of COVID, this may be the time to do it,” Marites explained. She then added that there are mixed insights on tourism, the economy, and other societal sectors. “It depends on which side of the coin you are. We will discuss more on December 17,” she teased. Her annual Feng Shui Updates is going online again this year but with new and improved features, taking into consideration the participant’s needs and convenience.

Annually, Marites thoroughly covers the different zodiac signs and their readings. She says that auspicious prospects vary every year for every animal sign in terms of career, business, health, and relationships. “For some animal signs, the year could pose challenges in different life aspects. The Rat, Tiger, and Rooster animal signs are known to conflict with the Rabbit. They may face some difficulties next year,” revealed Marites. 

In the event, proper feng shui interventions are recommended for people born in the conflict years. Event participants are treated to an insider view of how to harness the lucky energies of 2023.

Internationally recognized for Feng Shui and Chinese astrology, Marites brings with her a wealth of training under various masters from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China. She is the first Filipina to be awarded the prestigious title of “Master in Feng Shui” by the International Feng Shui Association in 2013. Marites has also been an international Feng Shui consultant for over 20 years and has frequently appeared in the global press, radio, and TV, including This Morning, the Sun, the Express, and CNN. She lives in London with her family and splits her time between the UK and South East Asia.

More than the certifications, Marites’ credibility lies in how she applies feng shui in her personal life. This year, 2022, has been particularly difficult for the Year of the Monkey-born practitioner. When asked how she powered through the conflict year, Marites jokingly responded, “ I could have died this year!” She went on to share how she entered a phase of internal healing.

“What I did was, I went through a lot of training. I did a lot of yoga. I went to a retreat in Bangkok. I had this very special monk who did a blessing for me,” Marites cut her speech by laughing, recalling how she worked on asking for blessings amid a difficult year. “I went to the healing church and I have also been working on getting a certification from the Tao Healing Hands,” she added. Tao Healing Hands’ Dr. Sha Tao, according to Marites, is one of the world’s renowned healers.

“I don’t know about you but I’m a person who does not easily cry. If not for Korean drama [series] like Crash Landing On You, I find it hard to cry. It’s just here,” Marites pointed to her heart and continued to talk about her journey. “Sometimes, it’s difficult to release. The best way for me is to meditate and that’s when I get to cry. Cleansing starts from the soul.”

As Marites immersed herself in different kinds of meditation and practiced yoga, she excitedly revealed designing her yoga mantra retreat to be held on her beach property in El Nido, Palawan. The people she met on her healing journey made an impact on her. “They are executives from all over the world who talked about working so hard and asking themselves, ‘For what?,’” the Feng Shui Queen said. 

She talked about how cleansing worked wonders for them at the retreat. Marites reminded, “You have to love yourself first because once you love yourself, you are strong enough to get through any obstacle in life. And of course, I do a lot of prayers!”

Marites Allen is set to share more about her healing process, latest ventures like getting into the metaverse, exploring blockchain technology, AR and VR, and NFTs, the release of her internationally published book, and the latest copies of her authored feng shui references on December 17 and 18. Tickets for the online event are still available via the Frigga websites at or For further inquiries, please call 0920-9509390, or visit Marites Allen’s Facebook page or her official website

lemon green tea

Feng Shui Secrets to Attract Good Luck and Prosperity for the Year of the Water Rabbit

Posted by Lemon Greentea, November 29, 2022


Did you know that your home decorations/design can affect your financial and love life?  That the color red is considered powerful and swerte (auspicious) this coming Year of the Water Rabbit?  To attract prosperity, health and peace into our lives this coming 2023, all we need is a guide from the Feng Shui Master herself Miss Marites Allen.

Feng shui master Marites Allen, President and CEO of Frigga Charmed Life, has recently announced that her 2023 Feng Shui Almanac, Planner, and Horoscope Books are now available. Her self-authored references have become popular locally and internationally for their highly useful content.

All three feng shui references are updated every year, but many users choose to keep their copies for the many timeless tips found in each one of them.

The 2023 Feng Shui Almanac is a colorfully illustrated desktop calendar using lunar indications to help you choose lucky days and hours for daily activities. With the energy shifts that happen every month, day, and hour, it is important to know which ones specifically work for or against you. The latest edition includes interesting information on the Five Element Cycles of Feng Shui, which is very useful in arranging spaces to make them more conducive to attracting good fortune. It also has sections on the Good and Bad Days for each animal sign, and tips for avoiding money and negotiation losses.

The 2023 Feng Shui Planner is a more detailed guide with provisions for daily management of activities based on favorable and unfavorable indications. It has a monthly guide to the shifting Flying Stars or the lucky and unlucky sectors of the home and office to guide the reader on which areas to enhance or cure to optimize good luck or keep negative energies at bay. It also contains many helpful information, including Personal Horoscope Elements for each animal sign. It has plenty of space for writing down important notes and reminders.

The 2023 Personal Horoscope Books show you how to leap and hop to a successful Year of the Water Rabbit through information on your luck prospects for the year and for each month. It has suggestions for feng shui charms to use to boost good fortune and cures to manage challenging energies; plus, other useful tips for promoting wealth, health, career, business, and personal relationships. Each book has a QR code that allows a groundbreaking Augmented Reality (AR) experience – a feng shui first by Marites Allen and Frigga Charmed Life. Images come ‘alive’ giving you a realistic feel of the featured products unlike the flat impressions given by print images.

These indispensable feng shui references for 2023 are available at or This can also be bought in bundles or on individual copies at both websites or thru Lazada.  Call Frigga Charmed Life’s hotline at 0920-9509390 for further details.

manila times

What we can learn from the Rabbit, the ruling zodiac sign in 2023

By the Manila Times


JANUARY 22, 2023 marks the start of another Chinese Lunar New Year. Feng shui followers look forward to welcoming this day, which is the start of the Year of the Water Rabbit. The year ends February 9, 2024.

Chinese astrology sources say that the ruling animal sign of each year has qualities that may have important indications for what’s in store for the entire year for different individuals, businesses, and even world affairs. The Rabbit is seen as a calm, gentle, quick and alert and this animal sign has become a symbol of peace, prosperity, and longevity in Chinese culture. Thus, 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

International feng shui master Marites Allen, who is set to hold her annual Feng Shui Updates on December 17 and 18, 2023 for her large following of feng shui aficionados from different countries has chosen to adopt the endearing qualities of the Rabbit for her event theme. Her annual event to usher in the new Chinese New Year is aptly themed “Hop, Skip, and Jump in the Year of the Water Rabbit 2023.”

Tickets for the online event are still available via the Frigga websites at or

Meanwhile, Allen launched her new book Chinese Astrology: Decode the Zodiac to Live Your Best Life. This beautifully illustrated beginner’s guide takes one through the basics of Chinese astrology and how its principles affect one’s innate personality, relationships with others, and life prospects.

The book is the product of a collaboration between Marites Allen and Hachette UK, a leading UK publishing group owned by the world’s second largest trade and educational publisher.

On the other hand, the president and CEO of Frigga Charmed Life, has also announced that her 2023 Feng Shui Almanac, Planner, and Horoscope books are now available at or


Marites Allen’s Annual Updates for 2023 Chinese New Year: Feng Shui Meets Metaverse

By Lionheart TV


It is characteristic of international feng shui master Marites Allen to introduce new features and developments in her Annual Feng Shui Updates. This year’s event is no exception and will, in fact, mark several firsts in her long history of hosting such presentations. This time, it is set to be held online on December 17 and 18, 2022 in preparation for the coming Year of the Water Rabbit, which starts on January 22, 2023.

Marites has recently partnered with Kaloscope, a new social media platform that will introduce augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (XR) experiences into the December event. But what are these strange-sounding realities and what can they bring to the feng shui table? These experiences are usually associated with the metaverse, another hazy concept for many people today, but which is slowly creeping into ways we interact and relate to others, do business, play games, etc. Metaverse is used to describe the combination of these different technologies to allow real-time interactions and experiences across distance.

So, will the December Feng Shui event be something like that Fortnite virtual concert by popular rapper Travis Scott, with all those figures dancing and futuristic background? (For the uninitiated, YouTube clips of this event are out there for viewing). But no. Online event participants will not see Marites as an avatar. However, she, together with Kaloscope, will present some initial but bold initiatives toward the Metaverse path.

For one, the feng shui master will launch her Golden Zodiac books during the event. This set of 12 horoscope books now comes with QR codes which, when scanned with mobile phones, will transform flat images of products into three-dimensional objects – the closest one can get to holding and feeling them. The horoscope books, Feng Shui Planner, and Almanac, are annually updated to include important indications for the Chinese New Year and how to use them as guides for prosperity and success during any given year. Copies are available online at

“I realize that many Frigga followers have been collecting these references over the years, which is not surprising because each one contains valuable tips and insights that readers find very useful,” Marites says. Thus, starting next year, ownership of the Golden Zodiac books, again through Kaloscope, will set the stage for launching a non-fungible token (NFT) collection that will introduce exclusive benefits or perks to owners or holders, including access to events, discount in shops, or private consultations with Marites Allen.

Early this year, Marites became a member of the Philippine Women Innovators in Blockchain. Blockchain technology, along with AR and VR, plays a big role in the Metaverse as it allows the use of NFTs and cryptocurrencies to trade any virtual asset, while it keeps an enterprise well-managed and sustainable. Kirck Allen, Kaloscope CEO, sees Frigga Charmed Life’s entry into the Metaverse as a timely initiative to create interactive content for users, but also to attract younger audiences to the potentials of feng shui and technology as an income-generating proposition.

These exciting scenarios, plus the much-awaited feng shui forecasts and insights from Marites Allen make her 2023 Annual Feng Shui Updates an event not to be missed. Online registration is still open at

For inquiries, call 0920-9509390.


Marites Allen reveals 2023 feng shui forecast

By Annalyn Jusay, The Manila Bulletin


2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit. Its last occurrence was in 1963, when Ferdinand Marcos became Senate President, Iglesia ni Cristo founder Felix Manalo died at the age of 76 and Lalaine Bennett became third runner-up in the Miss Universe pageant held in Florida.

The cycle completes itself because the Marcos son is now on top of the country’s leadership, said celebrity feng shui master Marites Allen.

“Being a Fire Rooster born in 1957, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will have a windfall of luck and unexpected blessings. At the same time, the Rooster-born are in conflict with the Year of the Rabbit so they will have to take it easy. It is advised that they be very cautious and ensure that every step that they take is calculated in terms of financial risk and possible returns,” she added.

Overall, 2023 is projected to be more sober compared to 2022 which is the Year of the Tiger.

“There could be truce in war-torn countries, or governments could agree on some international alliances and coordination, rather than engaging in any more fights and discord,” Allen noted.

She added that 2023 is generally a time of “reconciliation, reconnection or anything favorable to the affairs of the heart.”

“This is a good period to conceive babies and start a family. As the Rabbit symbolizes fertility, there will be an increase in the number of babies being conceived in 2023, perfectly timed for delivery in the equally lucky year of the Dragon, 2024,” the feng shui Queen pointed out.

“The four pillars of the destiny chart, starting from Jan. 22, 2023 to Feb. 9, 2024, have plenty of fire, wood and water elements. Therefore, this can represent promising prospects; that, after the tumultuous Covid-19 years of 2020-2021, the war in Ukraine with Russia, and the continuing tension between China and Taiwan, there could be some good news for everyone in the Year of the Rabbit,” Allen stated.

However, she added that “the lack of (or very little) earth element in the chart also suggests a weakening earth core that could manifest in some events such as earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, or similar earth movements.”

In terms of business, “the entertainment industry will see a big comeback,” Allen stated. Also showing positive prospects are ventures related to food, packaging, financing, e-commerce, technology and many others.

Ms. Allen has scheduled her annual feng shui updates online this Dec. 17 and 18 dubbed “Hop, Skip, and Jump in the Year of the Water Rabbit 2023.”

She will launch her Golden Zodiac books during the event. The set of 12 horoscope books now comes with QR codes which, when scanned with mobile phones, will transform flat images of products into three-dimensional objects – the closest one can get to holding and feeling them.

The horoscope books, feng shui planner, and almanac, are annually updated to include important indications for the Chinese New Year and how to use them as guides for prosperity and success during any given year. Copies are available online at or at the Frigga store in Lazada.

Likewise, Allen has announced the publication of her newest book “Chinese Astrology: Decode the Zodiac to Live Your Best Life.” It is a beautifully illustrated beginner’s guide that takes one through the basics of Chinese astrology and how its principles affect one’s innate personality, relationships with others, and life prospects. Published by Hachette UK, hard copies of the book will be available in the United Kingdom in January 2023, and in the US and the Philippines in September 2023.

“Wholistic is the way to go in 2023 and beyond. With the adverse effects of the pandemic years still hovering around us, we need to be able to manage ourselves and our surroundings. With this awareness, we hope to inspire participants to use those feng shui indications to their advantage. So, whatever challenges there may be, there will be reasons to jump for joy in 2023,” she advised.

Here’s a summary of Ms. Allen’s predictions and advice for the Chinese zodiac signs in the Year of the Water Rabbit:

Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Being blessed with the so-called Future Prosperity Star, 2023 could provide you with auspicious blessings and good fortune, which can be multiplied up to nine times.

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Threats of robbery, losses, or possible injuries will be bothering the Ox-born people. Nonetheless, with your innate confidence, strength, and stability, you will always prosper even during difficult times.
Just avoid being arrogant, resentful, and temperamental, all of which will result in your downfall and destruction.

Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tigers may continue their harvest of good fortune. However, threats of being robbed, possible losses or injuries loom in the chart. If you have earned good karma through your past actions, the universe will help you manifest some profitable gains this year.

Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

2023 is your year and there’s a lot to gain. Rabbits are advised to be extra careful not to drive away blessings in the form of money or promotion at work. Rabbits will also be facing a challenge to their health and longevity.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Brace yourself for possible negativities brought by hostile energies that indicate heartaches and misunderstandings. It needs a lot of patience, tolerance, and restraint to avoid being carried away by unusual heartaches that will present themselves to you. Avoid at all costs any disagreements and opt for peace and a harmonious environment.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The presence of the hostility star in 2023 will rock the peaceful life of the Snake-born. There are indications of heartaches, misunderstandings, lawsuits, and plenty of quarrelling. Wear peaceful charms or fire element energies such as red, pink, or purple.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Wealth, luck, and good fortune will roll in easily towards Horse-born people in 2023. This is not the time to take it easy but rather push yourself to the limit and keep on working smart to achieve unlimited funds, profitable partnerships, or promotions.

Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Sheep-born people are quite blessed in 2023. Not only are they the allies of the rabbit, their auspicious Victory star provides them with new beginnings and superior blessings. You could gain new heights and experience many new things that are not familiar to you. This is a good time to venture into unfamiliar territory or expansion.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The Year of the Rabbit will be a period of relief after a time of great struggle as you will be blessed with the very auspicious Victory star. However, you still have to manage the threat of three killings star. This is such a bad star that could bring some issues about your name being compromised, loss of money and some health scare.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Roosters could experience both highs and lows as 2023 is your conflict year. Take it easy, lie low, and best to take a shift, make some necessary changes, or if you can afford it, try to move to a different home or location. This can still be a very busy year for you with possible cash blessings, which will arrive in the form of a windfall.

Dog ( 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Although your animal sign is the secret friend of the rabbit, it is a must for Dog-born people to provide extra attention on caring for themselves in 2023. This is due to the threat of the misfortune star present in your chart. This can seriously bring havoc to your life. There is also the risk of illness, which may affect your income opportunities and working schedules.

Boar (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Boars are friends with the Rabbit. Therefore, you may expect some help from the energies of the year. Install the images of your allies and friends in the Northwest sector of your home or office with the images of the Rabbit, Sheep and Boar. Wearing metal element colors and accessories such as white, gold and silver will prove beneficial.

daily tribune

Feng shui meets metaverse

By The Daily Tribune


“Have you heard of the Golden Zodiac?”

This was Marites’ Allen’s opening salvo recently at a lunch event at the Manila House in Taguig.

The international feng shui master Marites Allen, who is known for introducing something new in her Annual Feng Shui Updates, proudly took her guests through a new feature of her 2023 horoscope books.

This time, users of these books may take a “moving” image of their animal signs to social media. The technology was developed by Allen’s son Kirck, through his company Kaloscope.

This is among several firsts in Marites Allen’s long history of hosting such presentations. This time, it is set to be held online on 17 and 18 December in preparation for the coming Year of the Water Rabbit, which starts on 22 January 2023.

Kaloscope, a new social media platform, will introduce augmented reality, virtual reality, and extended reality experiences into the December event. But what are these strange-sounding realities and what can they bring to the feng shui table?

These experiences are usually associated with the metaverse, another hazy concept for many people today. It is, however, slowly creeping into ways we interact and relate to others, do business, play games, etc. Metaverse is used to describe the combination of these different technologies to allow real-time interactions and experiences across distance.

“You have to go with the times,” Allen said.

So, will the December feng shui event be something like that Fortnite virtual concert by popular rapper Travis Scott, with all those figures dancing and futuristic background? (For the uninitiated, YouTube clips of this event are out there for viewing). But no. Online event participants will not see Marites as an avatar. However, she, together with Kaloscope, will present some initial but bold initiatives toward the metaverse path.

For one, the feng shui master will launch her Golden Zodiac books during the event. This set of 12 horoscope books now comes with QR codes which, when scanned with mobile phones, will transform flat images of products into three-dimensional objects — the closest one can get to holding and feeling them.

The horoscope books, feng shui planner, and almanac, are annually updated to include important indications for the Chinese New Year and how to use them as guides for prosperity and success during any given year. Copies are available online at

“I realize that many Frigga followers have been collecting these references over the years, which is not surprising because each one contains valuable tips and insights that readers find very useful,” Marites says.

Thus, starting next year, ownership of the Golden Zodiac books, again through Kaloscope, will set the stage for launching a

non-fungible token collection that will introduce exclusive benefits or perks to owners or holders, including access to events, discount in shops, or private consultations with Marites Allen.

Early this year, Marites became a member of the Philippine Women Innovators in Blockchain. Blockchain technology, along with AR and VR, plays a big role in the Metaverse as it allows the use of NFTs and cryptocurrencies to trade any virtual asset, while it keeps an enterprise well-managed and sustainable.

Kirck Allen, Kaloscope CEO, sees Frigga Charmed Life’s entry into the metaverse as a timely initiative not only to create interactive content for users, but also to attract younger audiences to the potentials of feng shui and technology as an income-generating proposition.

These exciting scenarios, plus the much-awaited feng shui forecasts and insights from Marites Allen make her 2023 Annual Feng Shui Updates an event not to be missed. Online registration is still open at

Follow Marites Allen on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and her official website Shop at or For inquiries, call 09209509390.