Sharmaine Ruffa Gutierrez is an accomplished woman. A Filipino model, beauty queen, host, and actress, she is best remembered for being the second runner-up in the Miss World 1993 competition. Yet, she is also more than the sum of all her achievements in the entertainment industry. Ruffa is a doting mother to two very pretty and smart daughters and does an excellent job at balancing her successful career with a flourishing personal life.

She is also one very lucky lady who admits to using feng shui to guide her in making important decisions.

In one of her earlier testimonials, she had this to say:

Ruffa had a lively Zoom catch-up with her go-to feng shui consultant where she shared highlights of their 11-year friendship. Aside from following the feng shui expert’s suggestions in the annual Almanac and Planner, she also turns to Marites for counsel on which property to buy and follows her house tips to achieve luck in career (and love!).

In one segment of the chat, Marites explained what could probably be the secret to Ruffa’s good life. Ruffa’s destiny chart shows that she is a Wood Tiger who has all three success elements in her favor. She has Heaven Luck, being born to showbiz royalty and endowed with natural good looks and great talent. She also has positive Man Luck, owing to her can-do mindset, perseverance, and admirable work ethic. Her use of feng shui to attract more favorable opportunities completes Ruffa’s amazing Trinity of Luck, Marites reveals.

Watch this video of their Zoom chat.

Ruffa’s experiences are examples of what could happen when we not only follow, but also believe in our hearts that feng shui – along with prayers and hard work – could make a big difference in achieving our life goals.


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